Sunday, July 25, 2010


No, not the candies...
This life saver is GOOD for you!

My newest life saver is an omelet pan called OMELET EASE. My wonderful friend bought it for me as a gift when she saw I had it on a wish list, and it's been the best gift to make my busy life easier.

Example: This morning, I cut up a few asparagus stems with 2 eggs, and I threw some kelp granules on top. I left the pan on the stove top and went to continue getting ready for the day. Two minutes later, I flipped the pan, and again I continued to get ready. A couple minutes later I opened the pan to see if it was ready, and a beautiful omelette appeared. Yum! No more excuses that I don't have time to make eggs in the morning because I have to watch the eggs, move them around, and then clean the pan. This pan is SUPER easy to clean.

And it's inexpensive too! Check it out:
Pan at Amazon

Here's a great recipe to try:
Healthy Egg Recipe

So begone with the eggs excuse and buy one of these pans for everyone in our family. I am going to!

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