Saturday, December 3, 2011

Kids Yoga

As usual, I had an amazing experience during another level towards my 200-hour Yoga Certification.

But this time was more about the people and environment than anything else.
After a morning full of traffic, I rushed into class and sat down, ready to jump right in. But as a looked around the room as I introduced myself to the class, I was reminded of the true spirit of yoga, of what I first loved about my journey through YogaFit.

Every smile of an individual who recognized me from a prior level, every "Hi Amanda!" from those I had connected with months earlier, and embraces from the instructor (who I had for my retrain in October - in green, next to me in the pic) and friends I had made along the way, put me at ease right away and gave me such a sense of comfort and peace that I instantly felt "at home."

It's so refreshing meeting others with similar goals in helping others, and it's so interesting hearing the various backgrounds and passions of them as well.

And the creativity brought to the class was so unexpected and beautiful that I am truly inspired to create kids yoga classes that:
#1 - allow children to enjoy themselves
#2- help children feel a sense of peace, with less stress and self awareness
#3 - use physical activity rather than focusing on intense exercise to promote wellness

I am now offering group and individual A+ Plan Kids Yoga Classes, as well as special offerings for birthday parties and school events.
I hope you'll join me in promoting health and wellness. 
With my dear yoga friend, Diana. We are hoping to finish the rest of the 200-hour certification together!

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