Sunday, July 11, 2010

The Importance Of Good Friends

I meant the importance of GREAT friends...

These past two weeks have been filled with internal stress, and I couldn't have gotten through everything in one piece without the ears and mouths of some GREAT friends.

When we were young, it was so important to have LOTS of friends.  It didn't matter if you really hung out with them outside of school or even knew much about them, as long as they considered you a friend.

In college it was important to have a great group of friends who you could rely on, who would have your back when a guy tried to grab you on the dance floor, who would understand if you couldn't go out that night because you had too much work to do, and who were just FUN!

Then all of a sudden there's a point where you're trying to hold onto your high school and college friends while making new work friends. Can you just keep building friendships without losing any no matter how hard you try?

I have tried to keep as many friendships as I can, while continuing to grow some more than others, but a couple have just seemed to diminish. But that's okay! We all change as people, and everyone comes into our lives at that specific time for a reason.

I enjoy having many friends to explore with, reminisce with, and have fun with, but as I grow into a more mature woman with a family to take care of and a business to run, I seem to have less time and,  said with some guilt, less desire to put in the effort into some relationships. But I now appreciate those friends, who have been there for me through happy and sad periods, with such admiration, adoration and love, and I just hope I have given them some sort of inspiration, motivation and/or love to make them feel wonderful and appreciated as well.

Thank you to all of you.


Nancy Cavillones said...

I do agree that as we get older, quality becomes more important than quality. I find my circle of friends becoming smaller, partly because I'm more selective and partly because I'm in a different place in my life-- not all my friends are married with children. They are still in my life but not on a day-to-day basis as they used to be. And truthfully, even though I love my friends, I'd rather be with my family most of the time!

Anonymous said...

There's a quote I LOVE that always makes me think of the kind of things you wrote about: "We are not the same person this year as last; nor are those we love. It is a happy change if we, changing, continue to love a changed person." (by William Somerset Maugham) - For me, this has always meant more in terms of my friendships than my romantic relationships. I feel that some people are better at growing (or growing up) together than others. I think some friends were around so that we can remember them fondly, & others are STILL around so that we can recall the memories, together.

Unknown said...

Comments from writers are amazing! Thank you both for your insight and opinions.

Nancy Cavillones said...

Oops, I meant to write that quality is more important than quantity! LOL.