Tuesday, July 20, 2010


I was reviewing several fashion blogs this evening, and though some of the "stylists" reminded me of this....
I found a few that really reminded me what I've been missing in my life for the past couple of years that I haven't been living in Manhattan - vintage!

Where did the unique finds and creative combinations go? They're certainly not in Macy's!
Where did the long flowing dresses (that work so well with belts and platforms) go?

What's so special about a dress that everyone else has? One of my favorite dresses of all time is a vintage cream-colored lace mini. It has a huge bow in the front (and I am NOT a bow person), with long sleeves and the perfect fit. It was copied by ABS a couple of years ago, but there is nothing like the original fabric and quality. And while I do think it's important to pair vintage with modern to keep from looking dowdy or out of date so to speak, vintage finds are THE BEST.

The sequin cardigan in this pic was a great find, thick, good quality, matches with everything, and so rare that (I won't mention the name) a company I worked for used it to try and recreate (Come to think of it, many of my clothes turned into new clothes sold worldwide! I think they owe me some more money...wink).

There are a few stores that help make vintage "now" by adding modern elements, like Top Shop and some of the boutiques online, but there's nothing like vintage shopping in Manhattan.

Who's coming with me?!


Unknown said...

i'd love to go vintage shopping with you and we could start in the basement!:)lol
love the way you described your favorite beige dress with the bow:)
also, love the pics you chose to share your feelings..:)!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

Haha! We can def. start there! Thank you!