Monday, November 8, 2010

Good Workout?

I went to the gym today and had a strange experience. For some reason, I just couldn't get that feeling that I was having a good workout, after 20 minutes, after 30 minutes...and then I really have no idea how many minutes I did cardio for, but something was missing!

I was definitely sweating at the end, but do you ever have those days where you just don't feel like you had a great workout? I felt good at the end since I had helped two women by offering the name of a great chiropractor since they were complaining about theirs, and we had a great conversation, but regarding the workout, eh...

I feel a bit sore tonight, so I know I worked my body, so I wonder what happened. Was I just distracted? Was it a mental thing where I couldn't release stress, and that was why I didn't feel like I had a great workout?

Would love to hear about your experiences!

1 comment:

Cathy said...

I've also had that experience. I feel like I'm doing the same workout with the same intensity that I always do but somehow nothings happening cardio-wise. I sometimes think it's when I'm really distracted about something and it keeps me from pushing myself the way I normally would. I'm sure even though it didn't feel like it, your body still got a great benefit.