Dominos Pizza isn't known for having the world's best pizza, so what would be the smart move to increase profitability and be a great PR move? Bringing healthier pizza options to schools!
This move makes Dominos seem caring about the health of your kids, generous with options for pizza toppings, and more "with the times" by caring about whole wheat vs. white flour. And while 51% is better than nothing, and they can say more than half of the dough is whole wheat, I would prefer it be even more. It's a start, but my feeling is, if you're going to do something, do it right. If you don't want to make it 100%, start with 75%!
I think of it like this, when baking whole wheat cookies, many recipes use 1 1/2 cups of whole wheat with 1 cup of white flour if they aren't 100% whole wheat. Dominos can think like that in terms of ratio. 51% just seems like a PR move.
I hope that schools do take advantage of this though because half whole wheat is better than none at all, which is what most schools are serving. The reduced sodium is also a benefit, and the option to offer vegetable toppings is great.
Implementing "healthy" eating into schools with a whole wheat pizza is a great idea. However, if schools allow students to choose from regular vs. whole wheat pizza then this product won't reach its full potential.
While some students will choose whole wheat pizza I fear the students that should be choosing the healthier pizza will not. The only way we can be assured that all students are eating healthy is to not provide unhealthy options to students when a healthier option is available.
With that being said I'm sure Dominos worked with focus groups (as seen in their commercials) before coming up with the 51%. For those who are not used to the taste of whole wheat it is probably best to take baby steps when it comes to altering a product. After all, Dominos does not want the taste to be so far off from their normal product that no one buys this new healthier pizza (Yes, perhaps also a PR move). As soon as Dominos gets people on the whole wheat bandwagon than they can introduce their "new" 75% or 100% whole wheat dough.
I just wish they would get rid of junk food and fast food in the schools, period! I feel like my taxes are funding our obesity epidemic. If parents want to feed their kids junk, then let them-- with their own money, not with federal funds. Kids will either eat what they are offered at school, or if they don't like the healthy food at school, they can brown-bag it.
A fast food chain has no place in our schools. If we continue to applaud fast food restaurants for "at least trying," what does that say about the standards we have for our children's health and diet?
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