Sunday, September 18, 2011

Dedicated to the personal journey within each of us...

Super excited to start my 4-day Level 4 YogaFit training certification weekend, I wore an inspirational shirt, ate a good breakfast, and was off! 
*Shirt said, "Let go of judgement, expectation, and competition."

I had no idea what I was in for.

From learning Sanskrit to discussing the Gitta and Yoga Sutras, there were deep conversations and many outward emotions. "Detachment" was one theme that resonated deeply within me, and the music played was so beautiful....

We also challenged ourselves physically on every level. Going into every level of certification, I set a goal for myself to achieve one more pose that I wouldn't normally think of myself as being able to do, and every time I come out with at least one more pose checked off the list. This time, I did three poses I couldn't have imaged inflexible 'lil 'ol me doing. One was a bind where my arm had to go all the way underneath my leg and reach my opposite toe (difficult to explain and probably even more difficult to picture). 

I have been able to do "Wheel" from "Bridge Pose" for awhile, as I remember even doing this as a child. However, I have never even attempted to do a back bend into "Wheel." In the YogaFit way, we wouldn't attempt a back bend, but a safer version instead. I crawled down the wall into this pose and was so thrilled!

We did many downward facing dog, warriors, and plank poses, as well as all of the others we had learned in our other levels already accomplished...
...and it was thrilling to move through this physically and emotionally transforming time of oneness and appreciation for one another's individual beauty.

I was excited to see Allison Adamiak (balance day spa) and Stefanie Lipsey (writing yoga) for some quick hugs, and I was so thrilled to spend 4 days with such beautiful women, inside and out. 
To the ladies, thank you for a moving, inspirational, challenging, and just wonderful personal adventure. And to Kristin, our teacher, you are a teacher, a motivator, and a pure joy. Your humor, knowledge, and creative teaching style made this a time I will never forget.

The Group
I often thought of my good friend, Michelle, during my time this weekend. She loves meditation and would've found the though-provoking discussions and the Sanskrit language very interesting. Here you can see her well-written (as usual) guide through meditation:

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