"My rapist has destroyed my future. No one will marry me after what he has done to me. So I must marry my rapist for my child's sake."
GULNAZ, a 19-year-old Afghan woman imprisoned for adultery after being raped, who has been pardoned on the condition that she marry the man who raped her.
I heard this yesterday but saw it posted today, and I am terribly disturbed by this.
NO WOMAN should have to make such a decision. I feel so badly for her that she was raped, and having to make the decision to stay imprisoned with her child or marry her rapist just makes the rape 10x worse. I am disgusted that these are her choices, and I feel so helpless because I just want to help her.
What are your opinions?
I know exactly how you feel and I wrote about the same feeling last week, on my blog. Feeling helpless is the worst. http://www.sehacecamino.com/the-space-to-be/
It's set up as private - let us know when you make it open to everyone to read! :)
Amanda, if you register, I will give you access. I had to keep it private for professional reasons.
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