Tuesday, February 14, 2012


To my special loved ones, to my wonderful and often smiling child, to my most supportive and loving close friends (You know who you are!), and to the supplier of not-so-healthy treats on this day to celebrate love (haha wink wink), Happy Valentine's Day.
To celebrate love is to celebrate something so immeasurable it is often difficult to explain. When I ask my son, "How much does mommy love Aiden?" and he says, "SO much!" and reaches his hands up and out as wide as they can go, I answer, "Even more!" It can't be explained.

Love is...
  • a chance to really feel
  • something that makes you realize that you have stopped breathing for a few moments because you're thinking about that person
  • dramatic
  • something that makes you want to take chances
  • wanting to give that person everything and anything
  • protective
  • wanting more than anything for that person to be truly happy and healthy
  • spending quality time with someone and really wanting to know them better
  • an opportunity to make things happen and laugh with your best friend every day
  • keeping that person close without stifling
  • wanting that person to utilize their skills to the fullest and make the most of their life
  • communicating as best you can
  • empathizing and supporting

The list goes on...what is love to YOU?

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