Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Forgive and Forget

While giving my son a bath tonight, I thought, "Wow - being a mother has taught me so much."
On a daily basis, it teaches me to be kind, to forgive and forget, and to laugh about everything except for serious matters that can hurt my child.

When I say "forgive and forget" I mean dealing with the problem, and then getting over it. Yes, I get frustrated, angry, and annoyed sometimes. We're human, and we are allowed to feel that way. But motherhood has shown me the ability to move on quickly. Make a point, and then get on with it and...back to hugs and fun times!

Motherhood has helped my relationships with friends and family in that case as well. I used to hold grudges and was less empathetic than I am now. I've realized that in most instances, it's just not worth staying mad about. 

Does that action really warrant damaging a friendship or holding anger against that person? Probably not.

Now, I don't think this rule applies to everything, but when it comes to loved ones, unless they do something that is so horrible it can hardly be spoken about, it's probably not so bad that they can't be forgiven.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you are so lucky to be a mom and i can tell that you are the best.