Tuesday, March 29, 2011


During my yoga weekend, the teacher gave us visualization meditations, and one was exceptionally beautiful. 

Although I can't give you that same experience through writing (I can through speaking, so sign up for a session here: www.aplusplan.com), I can offer you the general idea. I have modified it for the A+ Plan.

  Under The Waves

Picture yourself at the beach

See the waves crashing

Now swim into the rough waters

All of a sudden the waves become too forceful for you to fight

So you quickly weigh your options

Choosing to move below the waves

And as you open your eyes, you realize how calm the water is once you move past the waves

You see the colorful fish, the marine kelp...

New life as you swim down...

Then you see a diamond on the bottom, but it keeps getting covered by the ocean floor

Can you see it?

You reach for it, but it becomes covered again and you can't find it

But you know that if you can get it, your life will be changed forever

Can you grab it? 
Can you move through the rough waves in order to swim smoothly and freely through the water to see the beauty under the sea and reach the diamond?

Sometimes we have to go through tough times in order to see the beauty in the times that are easier. If we already had diamonds, why would we reach for the one at the bottom? We go through everything for a reason, even if we don't know that reason at the time.

1 comment:

Sevan Basil said...

this is a beautiful image, and I find it helpful