Sunday, October 14, 2012

Another 5k...just for the fun of it

So this was supposed to be just a 5k for the fun of it. A friend asked me if I'd like to join her and another friend in a 5k at the park. Knowing that I have barely run in the past few months, I said I would love to since I thought it was a normal 5k, and I always love a good challenge to beat my last time. 

Well, this was not the usual, fun 5k I was looking forward to, and there was no way I was running home after this one. 

There were a couple of times during the run that I didn't think I could take any more, the up and down hills, the pushing pushing pushing through the winds and trail dirt brushing up into my face, jumping the wood steps so as not to slip during the run. 

But then I told myself I COULD do it, and I WOULD do the best I possibly could. 

Was I as fast as I was at the last 5k? No, but I ran my hardest and still did well. We CAN. 


 At the finish line!

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