Friday, October 5, 2012

What Do Probiotics And Oysters Have In Common?

from Prevention Mag:

"Most of us think bad thoughts when we hear the word bacteria. (Many of us react similarly to oysters, too.) But, when it comes to the common cold, consuming tiny living organisms in the form of probiotics may help reduce your cold symptoms, according to a new study in the British Journal of Nutrition.
Researchers examined whether two specific probiotic strains, Lactobacillus rhamnosus (LGG) and Bifidobacterium animalis (BB-12), could quell colds among some particularly good subjects: nearly 200 college students. Why college kids? Because they sleep less, spread germs like crazy, and are generally more stressed than the average adult—all habits that increase their odds of getting sick.

More from Prevention: The Best (And Worst) Natural Cold Remedies

Half the students consumed a daily probiotic cocktail for 12 weeks, while the rest were given a placebo. Here’s how they fared: While all students caught colds at roughly the same rate, the students on probiotics missed just 15 school days, half as many as the 34 days missed by students taking the placebo. Moreover, colds abated two days sooner and symptoms were 34% less severe among those taking the probiotics.

What makes probiotics so effective? Cold symptoms like a stuffy nose and sore throat are the result of your immune system reacting to a virus, not to the viruses itself, explains study author Tracey J. Smith, PhD, an assistant professor at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey. Probiotic microorganisms seem to soften your immune system’s reaction by reducing your body’s inflammatory response, she says.

Smith recommends taking the two types probiotics included in the study if you’re especially stressed, sleep-deprived, traveling, or doing anything else that increases your odds of getting sick. Look for probiotic powders at your drug store that contain both LGG and BB-12, like this one from Centrum ($14.99,
Looking for some other natural cold remedies? Try these:
  • Oysters are nature’s best source of zinc, which has been shown to cut the duration of the common cold by up to two days, according to a review published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal. Not a fan of oysters? Zinc lozenges, which you can find at any drugstore, will also do the job.
  • Garlic contains a cold-fighting compound called allicin, which cuts your chances of getting sick in half when consumed every day, finds a study from UK researchers published in Advances in Therapy.
  • Vitamin D has been shown to both regulate the immune system and reduce inflammation, two effects that help stop colds in their tracks. A study in the Archives of Internal Medicine found those lacking vitamin D were 36% more likely to get sick. (One thing to note: New research shows that if you’re D levels are normal, this vitamin won’t have the cold-reducing effect.) "

1 comment:

Christine Eubanks said...

"But, when it comes to the common cold, consuming tiny living organisms in the form of probiotics may help reduce your cold symptoms, according to a new study in the British Journal of Nutrition."

I thought probiotics just work on the guts? Never though it's also good in reducing cold.