Sunday, June 15, 2014

"Small Change"

If you're looking for a new book to read, this one will help you in "small" ways. I pulled a few moving quotes and wanted to share them with you so that you may help improve your life each day. 

Small change
By Susan Terkel and Larry Terkel

"One thing we can never change is our past. What we can change, however, is the hold our past has on our lives." 
It goes on to say " can change your memories of the past by learning to be more selective about what you get in the habit of choosing to remember the best parts." 

You stop holding grudges, and that's a wonderful thing. You can stop letting people have a hold on your life, have such control over your emotions...
p. 244

"For every problem under the sun
There is a solution
     or...there is none.
If there be one, try and find it.
If there be none, never mind it."

I just think this is so powerful. We can do our best to stop complaining and start doing to try to fix problems. But if we can't control it, we must let it go, let the control go and the feelings that go with it. 
p. 242

"Smile even when you don't feel like smiling. Forcing a smile causes a 'response pattern activation' in the brain that will activate positive emotions. This may be a conditioned response, but the happy feeling it produces is real."

Have you ever tried this? I have! And it works! The only time it can be a little frustrating is during times when I'm running and smile at people I'm passing and they try to ignore me or don't smile back. But in general, smile and most people will smile back :) And either way, smiling makes you happy!!
p. 232

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